Though there is no breakthrough in developing a vaccine for Covid-19 yet, the youngsters of the country are leaving no stone unturned to back India’s brave fight against the pandemic. Meet engineering students Tushar Chaudhary, Kaashika Prajaapat, and Tanay Aggarwal, who have collaborated with Dr Abhinav Singh Verma from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi. Together they have successfully developed the COPAL-19 app, which will help build a plasma donor bank to speed up recovery of Covid-19 patients.
Prajaapat, a fourth year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Delhi, says, “I had been creating a Medical Facility Tracker that could help people locate things like the nearest hospital for treatment against jobs with computer science degree, the number of beds available in that hospital etc. I was working on this with my friend Tanay, a student of Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University). When we launched the tracker, a lot of people came to us to discuss about what other problems can be solved though mobile apps. And one of the issues we found pertinent was the lack of routing between plasma donors and Covid-19 patients.
Prajaapat, a fourth year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Delhi, says, “I had been creating a Medical Facility Tracker that could help people locate things like the nearest hospital for treatment against jobs with computer science degree, the number of beds available in that hospital etc. I was working on this with my friend Tanay, a student of Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University). When we launched the tracker, a lot of people came to us to discuss about what other problems can be solved though mobile apps. And one of the issues we found pertinent was the lack of routing between plasma donors and Covid-19 patients.
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