Provider of a global edge cloud platform, announced major enhancements to its Compute@Edge solution, adding new developer tooling and functionality. Customers are now running production traffic on Compute@Edge, including a vast array of innovative use cases like waiting room tokens, dynamic edge personalisation, authentication at the edge, full serverless applications, and more. Compute@Edge’s enhanced tooling empowers developers to architect for unprecedented levels of internet traffic and heightened expectations around digital experiences, while keeping performance, efficiency, and security at the forefron.
“We chose Fastly as our platform because Fastly's API-driven and performance focused products are clearly customer and engineering centric, and seven years later it is exciting to see that dedication sustained with Compute@Edge," said Pablo Mercado, CTO of Vox Media. "The approach Fastly has taken with their investment in Compute@Edge makes real the promise of serverless, it expands what is possible for our developers to build while also giving us the confidence of rock solid performance and stability. This combined with Fastly's engineer-to-engineer customer service really sets computer science vs engineering apart as a great partner for delivering exceptional digital experiences to our readers and viewers, and to build the Vox Media future with.”
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