Apple has taken its first steps to move its Mac computers onto its own Arm-based processors and starting its two-year transition away from CPUs from Intel. Apple announced the MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro and Mac Mini with the new M1 chip, which can be ordered today and will ship next week.
John Ternus, VP of hardware engineering detailed the transition to the "next generation of Mac," coming over the next "couple of years."
The first chip is the M1, which Apple's chip lead computer science vs information technology said would create a "completely different class of product. It would replace the separate chips for the CPU, I/O, and more. It also includes memory on the chip.
It's a 5nm chip with 16 billion transistors. It has 8 cores, four for power and four for efficiency. Srouji said the high-performance cores are the world's fastest and deliver the best performance per watt. It has a 10W thermal envelope.
Additionally, Srouji detailed the chip's integrated graphics, an 8-core GPU with 128 compute units. He said it's the world's fastest integrated graphics. There's also a 16-core neural engine for machine learning. It also houses the Secure Enclave for security.
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