Tuesday 29 September 2020

7 Ways To Keep Going In Your Job Search

 If you’ve been looking for a new job during the pandemic, you know how hard it’s been. Putting yourself out there for networking, mining for opportunities and interviewing are never easy. But during these times, you deserve even more credit for the hard work you’re doing.

How do you keep your spirits up and stay positive? How do you maintain optimism and ensure you keep trudging forward? How do you maintain resilience when things feel so uncertain?

The answer lies in both your perspective and your practices. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.

First, mindset makes a big difference.

Be real. Some pop-psychological advice recommends you keep a positive attitude at all costs. But taking this Pollyanna approach—where you deny your negative feelings—can backfire. Instead, give yourself permission to struggle and acknowledge how difficult things are. In a scientific study, volunteers who were trying to make lifestyle changes, and who were provided with validation for their tough journeys, made positive change more effectively than those fed only computer engineer vs computer science, you-can-do-it type messages. If you’re not struggling during tough times, you may be deluding yourself. Give yourself permission to be less than chirpy or constantly content.

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