Friday, 29 January 2021

information technology (IT) experts needed computer and networking

 information technology (IT) experts needed computer and networking support for more than 650,000 Navy and Marine Corps users of the Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN). They found their solution from Perspecta Enterprise Solutions LLC in Herndon, Va. Officials of the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command in San Diego announced a $797.3 million order to Perspecta in December for NGEN support for about 400,000 user seats at more than 2,500 locations. The order brings the value of Perspecta's NGEN contract to $6.7 billion.

NGEN provides network-centric data and IT support through a common computing and communications environment to Navy and Marine Corps military, civilian, and contractor users. Services involve enterprise, network, voice, video, data, information security, and testing. NGEN represents the evolution of Navy enterprise networks for Navy and Marine Corps personnel. It provides enterprise network services originally consolidated in 2000 under the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) contract, which provided IT services to more than 700,000 Navy and Marine Corps users.

The transition from NMCI to NGEN sought to maintain services, provide government control, and maintain information security. In this order, Perspecta will do the work throughout the how much do computer scientists make, and should be finished by September 2021. For more information contact Perspecta Enterprise Solutions online

Thursday, 28 January 2021

How containerized applications travel from code to repository or production

 With immutable infrastructure, you need to stop thinking in terms of traditional terms like servers, per se, even though they’re still technically relevant. Rather, you want to start thinking in terms of build pipelines and what comes out the other side: build artifacts. The latter is what you’re automatically deploying, retiring, and/or replacing with immutable infrastructure.

CI/CD has become a critical practice and set of tools in this regard; the build phase is essentially the foundation of a robust CI/CD pipeline. The pipeline concept, in general, is a useful way of thinking about infrastructure automation: Once it’s in place, your code and everything it will require to run properly should move through each phase of the pipeline – from build to test to security to deployment – in a highly automated manner, with people actively in the loop only at steps you’ve specified or when something is not up to standards (which you’ve also specified). 

Essentially, a CI/CD pipeline is how containerized applications travel from code to repository or production with as little human effort as computer engineer salary. (Don’t kid yourself, though: Talented people are still required to make this work.)

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Why Is TCP/IP Such a Threat for the IoT?

 At the most basic level, the TCP/IP architecture enables IoT devices to communicate with the network and each other. These stacks are open source and freely used by most embedded devices and IoT module manufacturers.

"IoT device manufacturers then buy the chips and modules with the TCP/IP stack code already embedded from these suppliers to create IoT products," Chan explains.

However, many of these manufacturers aren't aware that their devices are computer engineering salary , since they have no visibility into what stacks are used in the chips and modules that become part of IoT devices. What's more, it's not feasible or cost effective to analyze every single device to find and patch programming errors or other problems within the TCP/IP stack.

As a result, all devices are highly susceptible to attacks, breaches, and flaws. These can lead to performance failures, data loss or corruption, and brand damage. It can also increase cybersecurity costs.

Monday, 25 January 2021

Manageable levels to gain motivation and to complete the challenging levels

 A Sudoku puzzle has a problem that one must solve to go to the next level. The difficulty levels of the puzzles vary and range from easy to expert. Beginners are advised to start playing the manageable levels to gain motivation and to complete the challenging levels.

Solving a puzzle requires you to think and concentrate. Sometimes this may be complicated, and you may need to take a break to freshen up before coming back to find a solution. However, if you complete one level, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment that will give you the drive to handle the more challenging levels. 

Similarly, computer science requires figuring out coding languages to develop a program successfully. Understanding the rules that the codes use isn’t simple and may need you to think hard. At other times, you may even have to combine all the computer engineering definition you know to develop running software. But when you eventually create an operational program and see how it solves people’s problems, the sense of accomplishment can’t be compared to any other. 

Friday, 22 January 2021

University of Texas at Dallas Engineering & Computer Science Building

 When someone wants to share truly sensitive information, encrypting the information so adversaries can't read the content might be enough. However, sending the information covertly, or in a way that covers up the fact that a message was sent at all, is an even safer bet. Boulat Bash, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has demonstrated how using quantum resources can substantially increase the limit on information that can be sent reliably over a covert channel.

Now, he's received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for $500,000 for his research in applying quantum resources to covert channels - this time focusing on sensing, rather than communication.

"The CAREER Award is very competitive, and many winners don't receive it until their second or third try," said ECE Department Head Tamal Bose. "I am proud of computer science degree jobs for winning the award on his first attempt, and excited to see the impact of his work in areas including military intelligence and organizations of civil unrest."

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Significant increase in growth for our United Voice Cloud product

 “Understandably, since the announcement of the lockdown, we have seen a significant increase in growth for our United Voice Cloud product, a hosted PBX service. This is not just a remote phone system, it is a feature-rich communications solution built with South African SMEs in mind to empower employees to work from outside the office both productively and cost-efficiently” says Ryan Lumley, MD of United Telecoms.

The solution is completely scalable and can be deployed remotely within a matter of hours, with no long-term contract in place. Although many countries around the world have already embraced the concept of remote working, South Africa has to date been hesitant to apply the practice. The current lockdown has compelled South African businesses to explore the viability of having employees working from home, and perhaps adopting some of the significant benefits in the longer term.

Continue to make and receive office calls on their extensions from home as if they were in the office, with no additional hardware. This is enabled on a mobile app and/or a computer engineering career program that is installed on their laptops or PCs;

  • Automatically and seamlessly route inbound calls via an Auto Attendant to mobile extensions;
  • Call colleagues on their extensions free of charge and transfer calls to colleagues as if they were at their desks;
  • Initiate and take part in group conference voice calls;
  • Use instant messaging services to chat with colleagues directly, or with teams/departments

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Appliance, SASE can only secure the connection

 One of Maddison’s criticisms of a purely software approach to remote work is that without an appliance, SASE can only secure the connection between the user’s computer or mobile to the application. It doesn’t protect the rest of the user’s home network. And from the employee’s perspective, a SASE endpoint running on their work computer can’t do anything about their children or spouses virtual lessons or Zoom calls chewing up what limited bandwidth is available.

Finally, SD-WAN appliances often can be outfitted with cellular connectivity for employees with poor or unreliable internet connectivity. Despite the inherent advantages offered by SD-WAN appliances, hardware-dependent vendors’ — like Cisco and computer science engineering — could be more financially motivated.

Late last year, Dell’Oro Group Research Director Mauricio Sanchez, predicted that at least initially the majority of SASE revenues would be driven by appliance sales, with software only gaining majority share by 2024. “It’s clear cut, by the end of the forecast, the revenue associated with just the cloud-hosted portion of the SASE solution — delivered purely from the cloud, not through the appliance that sits on-prem — is going to be the majority share,” Sanchez said, in an earlier interview with SDxCentral.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

The growth curve is where growth companies can be found

 So, keep your eyes on the 5G wireless space. It will remain a fast-growing space. That means there is real growth potential. However, that does not mean every stock will be a winner. Remember the growth curve. It rises, crests and falls. The question you must ask yourself is this. Where on the growth curve is the company you are considering investing in, working for or being a customer of?

Is it on the rising side, is it cresting or is it falling? You want to find the companies on the growing side of the growth curve. While some companies on the falling side of the growth curve can turn around, it is less likely. One of the success stories was T-Mobile. They were literally dying several years ago. They missed the change from 2G to 3G. Then they brought in a new CEO who turned the company around. This is very difficult, but they did it.

In today’s world of 5G wireless, it’s easy to find plenty of companies on the growth side of the growth curve. Especially since some companies will struggle with the investment required to reach 5G. CES 2021 was very different this year. I expect how much does a computer engineer make will be the same. This is the first year caught in the pandemic mindset for CES and the second year for MWC. Hopefully things will be better for CES 2022 and MWC 2022. As you can see, this sector is rapidly growing and changing on its own. Coronavirus has not slowed down the advancement of 5G wireless one bit here in the United States or around the globe. However, it does have an impact on certain companies and certain ways we do things.

Monday, 18 January 2021

Implanting a stimulator to deliver electric current to a damaged spinal cord could help paralyzed

 The UW team, composed of researchers from the Center for Neurotechnology, combined stimulation with standard physical therapy exercises, but the stimulation doesn't require surgery. Instead, it involves small patches that stick to a participant's skin like a Band-Aid. These patches are placed around the injured area on the back of the neck where they deliver electrical pulses.

The researchers recruited six people with chronic spinal cord injuries. All participants had been injured for at least a year and a half. Some participants couldn't wiggle their fingers or thumbs while others had some mobility at the beginning of the study.

To explore the viability of using the is computer science engineering stimulation method, the researchers designed a five-month training program. For the first month, the researchers monitored participants' baseline limb movements each week. Then for the second month, the team put participants through intensive physical therapy training, three times a week for two hours at a time. For the third month, participants continued physical therapy training but with stimulation added.

Friday, 15 January 2021

Vulnerabilities often go undetected for more than four years before being disclosed

 GitHub reported in its 2020 “State of the Octoverse” report that vulnerabilities often go undetected for more than four years before being disclosed. We have seen live bugs in high profile open source codebase for decades, as demonstrated by the Shellshock vulnerability in Bash that enabled an attacker to gain unauthorized access. This was discovered in 2014 and was isolated to code added in 1989. A recent example is the Dirty Cow privilege escalation vulnerability in Linux kernel versions before 2018 (CVE-2016-5195), which took nine years and one month to fix.

It only takes a single third party component from an upstream developer to unintentionally or maliciously slip in a vulnerability that has a cascade effect, introducing vulnerabilities that propagate and persist throughout the ecosystem, potentially for years. Alerts about known vulnerabilities help to get code patched, but the reuse of OSS projects and libraries over many years leads to complex ‘trees of dependencies’ that make it difficult to ensure all uses of the code are patched. In the meantime, malicious actors have the opportunity to exploit the vulnerability.

The OSS process could facilitate security, but it is difficult for a computer science or computer engineering community to sustain uniform best of breed security by design principles. In general, it has been challenging for OSS to reach the level of security often required. At a minimum, the OSS crowdsourcing approach needs to have a rigorous security management process established so that the openness and many eyeballs can address bug fixing and vulnerability removal.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Fifth-generation wireless networks are poised to transform America’s economic and national security

 The various implementations are often created with the intention to be used with code sourced from a single organization, where interoperability amongst the community’s implementations is not guaranteed,” the notice states. To that end, difference between computer science and computer engineering wants to know what incentives would maximize cooperation and collaboration, and promote interoperability to help get the features they want both ready and secure more quickly. One question asks what portions of the stack organizations think can be developed in six months or less. NITA also asks how to define metrics of success and if there should be different phases of the challenge.

“Fifth-generation wireless networks are poised to transform America’s economic and national security for years to come. ITS’ unique capabilities make it a perfect partner as the Department of Defense pursues cutting edge, innovative 5G applications,” said Carolyn Roddy, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, in a statement.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

How can the cybersecurity community defend against this type of attack?

 This is a scenario, because the intrusions were so well done, when it’s hard to come up with a list of easy fixes. Because these are sophisticated adversaries, they compromised a system, SolarWinds, that was incredibly widely used and widely trusted. They essentially exploited that trust to carry out their operations, and that is something that’s really hard to defend against. This is not the same thing as just fixing a single software vulnerability and applying a patch—it’s a lot more difficult to combat this kind of threat.

This sheds some light on just how fierce the competition is between nations in cyberspace. We spend a lot of time talking about things like deterrence, norms and signaling between nations. But my view is that this kind of activity—competition, espionage, well below the threshold of conflict, what I call shaping the international environment to suit one’s ends—that’s par for the course in computer science average salary. So, while this is certainly a high-water mark, the daily competition that leads to events like this is par for the course. And I think we probably need to spend more time in the policy world thinking about the implications of that. It’s pretty clear right now [that] the status quo, both in policy and in technology, does not let us deter this activity, and does not let us technically block this activity.

Monday, 11 January 2021

CEO insights on creating a STEM workforce

 A recent study from MTSU examined ways to strengthen the workforce of professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It sought to glean insights from CEOs, as C-suite executives and industry leaders, about the role of parents, educators, businesses, and government in preparing a sustained skilled STEM workforce pipeline.

The responses were then analyzed to determine what they believe are the most important factors for increasing the number of STEM-capable graduates and, ultimately, a sustained STEM workforce.

Establishing and maintaining the supply of skilled STEM workers is an issue that many businesses currently face. As labor market analysts identify a shortage of qualified workers, the demand to fill STEM jobs continues to increase. CEOs can provide unique perspectives on the roles of parents, educators and schools, industry and community partners, and government on this issue. The what is the difference between computer science and computer engineering survey consisted of 45 CEOs located in the Southeastern United States and collected their responses to a series of questions concerning workforce projections.

Friday, 8 January 2021

Deployed DriveNets technology throughout its core network

 DriveNets nabbed TechTarget's innovation award for its take on software-based, disaggregated routing, aimed at helping Tier 1 and Tier 2 carriers scale their networks like hyperscale cloud providers, efficiently and inexpensively. The company's software behaves as a single router entity that can operate on a single white box or across clusters of up to 200.

AT&T has deployed DriveNets technology throughout its core network, running on UfiSpace white boxes. With a 75% virtualized network, the carrier said software-based technology helped it pivot to meet the unexpected demands of the COVID-19 crisis.

"Having a much more software-centric network allows us to respond much more rapidly to any new demand on the network, even those caused by worldwide pandemics," Andre Fuetsch, executive vice president and computer engineer vs computer science at AT&T, said during his keynote speech at the Open Networking & Edge Summit in September 2020.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

P2P mobile file transfer apps open to attacks, researchers find

 Security vulnerabilities in the direct file transfer applications of popular smartphone makers allow attackers to send malicious files to mobile devices, a security researcher has found.

In a study of the peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing features of Android phones manufactured by Huawei, LG, and Xiaomi, Doyensec application security engineer Lorenzo Stella found shared design flaws that allowed malicious apps to easily hijack transfer sessions.Previous research on the WiFi Direct protocol focused on the network architecture, covering the discovery and connection processes and the various frame formats.

“We instead focused on what happens after a local P2P WiFi connection is created between two devices, specifically in the application layer, analyzing file transfer applications featured in many custom Android ROM shipped by the various vendors,” Stella told The Daily Swig. Most OEMs use a File Transfer Controller or Client (FTC) and a File Transfer Server (computer science engineering) to establish WiFi connections between devices, manage sessions, and transfer files.

In his research, Stella found that after the P2P WiFi connection is established, its interface will become available to every application that has android.permission.INTERNET. Because of this, local apps can interact with the FTS and FTC services spawned by the file sharing applications on the local or remote device clients, opening the door to a multitude of attacks,” Stella wrote in a blog post that details the vulnerabilities.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

What do customers expect from service providers

 With the pandemic’s restrictions and need for safety, enterprises face unprecedented operational challenges in their ability to deliver customer service. Many companies have been forced to adapt their support models to meet consumer expectations for service delivery.  Back in May 2020, when the pandemic raged and safety was top of mind for millions, we carried out an in-depth study to explore consumer sentiment about technical support and residential technician visits. Now, several months into the pandemic, we thought we would take a second look to see if time or adaption to the new normal had shifted what customers expect during COVID-19 from service providers.

Service delivery companies are busier than ever. Just under half (45%) of U.S. consumers required technician assistance during the computer science engineer salary pandemic. This is a substantial increase from an identical survey conducted in May 2020 when 37% of consumers required technician assistance. 

Although not as guarded as back in May when 75% of consumers said they were cautious about technician visits, the latest survey still found that 61% of consumers did not want technicians around their homes unless strictly necessary. One in eight (13%) consumers said they would not allow entry to a technician under any circumstances. 

Sometimes there is no choice but to schedule an in-person service call. When necessary, customer expectations for service remain high and are very similar to the earlier survey data. 60% expect companies to fix issues during the pandemic as quickly as before. A majority (56%) expect the technician’s visit to be as short as possible, and a half (48%) would allow only one technician to enter their home. At least two-thirds of consumers want companies to take extra technical support safety precautions, such as protective equipment (80%) and six-foot social distancing (68%), even if the visit costs them a bit more. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

The Business Case for Routed Optical Networking

 Service providers are exploring approaches to meet changing market conditions, including rising operational costs and increasingly flat revenue. Concurrently, they are facing challenges in addressing the exponential traffic growth on their networks. Drastic traffic growth continues – from video, gaming, and virtual and augmented reality, as well as from the introduction of 5G and future technologies. The majority of the services consuming this increased capacity are also causing lower Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and higher operational costs for service providers as they build and upgrade network infrastructure to scale and support the capacity growing at an exponential rate.

These compounded market conditions require strategic decisions that enable the massive growth of IP services without incurring cost increases in Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) and Operating Expenditures (OPEX). In the not so distant past, service providers had to regularly upgrade their networks to deliver new services, leading to high OPEX increases for each upgrade due to the new ways to plan, manage, and deploy the upgrades. Currently, operational expenditures are about $5 for every $1 spent on network infrastructure. The increasing costs are a result of the complexity of managing multiple layers, the power and space constraints, and is computer science engineering management.

Previously, IP and optical integration (IPoWDM) was constrained by density tradeoffs and a wide array of different technological advancement cycles. Organizational boundaries decelerated, impacting the potential to leverage oncoming advances in automation. This mode of operation makes it extremely difficult to effectively optimize any network.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Firewall Devices Market Seeking Excellent Growth

 The global Firewall Devices market is broadly analyzed in this report that sheds light on critical aspects such as the vendor landscape, competitive strategies, market dynamics, and regional analysis. The report helps readers to clearly understand the current and future status of the global Firewall Devices market. The research study comes out as a compilation of useful guidelines for players to secure a position of strength in the global Firewall Devices market. The authors of the report profile leading companies of the global Firewall Devices market, such as Check Point, Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, computer science vs computer programming, Dell SonicWALL, IT Central Station, Juniper, PfSense, Cyberoam, FireEye They provide details about important activities of leading players in the competitive landscape.

The report predicts the size of the global Firewall Devices market in terms of value and volume for the forecast period 2019-2026. As per the analysis provided in the report, the global Firewall Devices market is expected to rise at a CAGR of XX % between 2019 and 2026 to reach a valuation of US$ XX million/billion by the end of 2026. In 2018, the global Firewall Devices market attained a valuation of US$_ million/billion. The market researchers deeply analyze the global Firewall Devices industry landscape and the future prospects it is anticipated to create.

How the Global Talent Stream functions

 There are two classes under the GTS: Category An and Category B. The two classifications help Canadian managers select profoundly gifted ab...